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Group Dynamic


Keonrain & Anjay

Within the group dynamic, both Keonrain and Anjay consider themselves leaders. Keonrain tends to be more emotional, his aspirations to be a hero cause him to be very self-sacrificing in all that he does. Anjay, in comparison, is more logical. She isn't cut-throat, but she isn't as gung-ho as Keonrain either. In the beginning, neither of them got along very well for this reason, however as they've begun to get to know eachother, both of them have learned to compromise in order to make the best decisions. If they cannot decide, the others in the group are usually called upon to weigh in. 


The two share a close bond because of what they went through when they first met. Anjay tends to view Keonrain as reckless and often feels like she has to protect him from going overboard with the 'hero' thing like her little brother did before he was killed. Though she admires his ability be noble, she also finds him infuriating sometimes, especially when he insists on risking all their lives for one person. 

Keonrain, for his part, looks up to Anjay and tends to see her as a hero though she's insisted that she is no such thing. He feels as if he has to be the one to 'break through her touch exterior' and as much as Anjay would resent the thought, Keonrain sees himself as the wise hero who is helping her get over her tough past. (Whether this is true or not is yet to be seen...)


Keonrain & Kythax

The relationship between these two was quite rocky at first. Kythax has always been independent and resented others thinking they're above her in any way. So, Keonrain immediatly seeking out leadership instantly rubbed her the wrong way. Kythax found Keonrain bossy and intrusive, she'd often get very frustrated, especially when he tried to be all high and mighty when he really wouldn't know what was going on. 

Keonrain saw Kythax as the poor young girl who'd been raised on a different planet and thus isolated from her own kind, and while he wasn't wrong, he certainly wasn't right. He often treated Kythax with unwitting patronization due to her being the youngest in the team. Though his intentions certainly weren't bad, he often came across the wrong way. 


After a rather large fight in which Kythax finally expressed what she felt about how she was being treated, Keonrain got the idea and began to treat her with more respect. Their relationship got better from there, Keonrain still tends to be a little more protective of her, however Kythax has quickly earned her place. They still have arguments however as Kythax is very critical and often Keonrain gets frustrated with this, however, he does value her input even if he may not sound like he does. Kythax, for her part, has stopped defying him as much and is generally happy to follow his lead so long as he doesn't question her authority on technical matters. 


Keonrain & Accelerate

Keonrain definitely seems to see Accelerate as the class clown. While Keonrain enjoys Ace's antics on occassion, there's a point in which he'll become fed up. Keon tends to not find Ace as annoying as some, they both seem to share a sense of simplicity in their approach to life. While Keon might be more seriosu than Ace, they both share a basic good naturedness. Accelerate does enjoy annoying Keonrain however, unlike Mikaleus, Keonrain doesn't react in the most entertaining way. Keonrain knows how to dish out a punishment if Ace goes to far. 


Accelerate quite likes Keonrain as he's one of the more likely to have a laugh with him, however, Ace does respect Keonrain and knows not to push him too far. Accelerate is also the only one who doesn't find Keonrain's gun-ho methods so surprising. Both of them are quite spontaneous and therefore, Ace is the one Keon often looks to if he has a risky plan. 


Keonrain & Mikaleus 

Mikaleus is someone Keonrain looks up to, though he's not likely to admit it. Mikaleus has a calm and thought out manner, even in the face of danger, Keonrain admires his ability to take action with precision and logic in tough situations, somthing which has been a sore point for Keon since he was young. In addition to this, Mikaleus is often considered the advice-giver of the group and so Mikaleus is often the one who has to explain to Keonrain, how he is coming across to the others. Keonrain is grateful for this guidance and greatly appreciates Mikaleus' support. 


Mikaleus finds Keonrain to be an amusing character and often has to chuckle at his mannerisms. Mikaleus does respect Keonrain's leadership and supports his care for others. As a healer, his opinion holds wright in most matters and he tries to use this as best he can to help Keonrain without appearing to challenge his leadership. Mikaleus also frequently calls upon Keonrain to help manage Accelerate when he is becoming to annoying to handle.


Anjay & Kythax

The relationship between these two didn't get off to a great start, after what they'd been through, Kythax was looking for someone to blame for the deaths of her friends. It was humans and Sulleth who had hurt them, so it was they she blamed. After they got away, Anjay recieved the brunt of Kythax's grief and anger. Anjay wasn't entirley without blame either, she immediately resented Kythax and the two butted heads often. It ended with an altercation between the two of them and as they began to learn to accept one another, they began to find that they had lots of things in common. Both were very logical and independent. Once they seemed to realise this, they began to back eachother up more. 


Anjay sees Kythax now as one of the younger ones to protect, but more so, Anjay feels she has to protect Kythax from becoming like herself. Anjay often attempts to sheild her from becoming too cold. She often is appreciative for Kythax's support in most arguments between her and Keonrain as Kythax is usually the one to point out all the floors in a plan that no one else can see. While Keonrain finds this irritating, Anjay often seeks it out, her logical nature meaning that she likes things to be well thought out. 


Kythax grew to be friends with Anjay after their last confrontation and secretly admires Anjay's ability to be assertive and tough. Kythax often aspires to be the same though she'd die before she'd say that outloud. Kythax often spends time teaching Anjay about engineering and technology and though she pretends to find it annoying, she really does enjoy having someone appreciate her skills. 


Anjay & Accelerate

Anjay and Accelerate are very different, Anjay enjoys her time alone, Accelerate hates to be away from people. Anjay is logical and thought out, Accelerate is spontaneous and childish. But, one thing they both have in common is an enjoyment of singing. Accelerate will often prompt Anjay into singing a song with him and isn't adverse to push her a little in order to do so. Since meeting Anjay, he seems to have made it his mission to teach her to have fun again. So while can push it too far, he also is able to put a smile on her face almost instantly. 


In this way, Anjay often feels grateful toward Accelerate for his part in her recovery from what she's experienced and feels she owes him for this. She tolerates his antics for longer than most and tries her best to keep him out of trouble. Like Keonrain, Accelerate is often naive and very trusting, causing Anjay to feel the need to protect him. She believes that he's too generous and kind to be able to tell when he's being duped by others.


Accelerate tends to see Anjay as someone who needs some laughter in her life. Especially when they first met, Ace was shocked at Anjay's seriousness and took it upon himself to  make her laugh as much as he possibly could. He really enjoys her company and will often go to her first for entertainment. (He's actually gotten her to make a fort with him or play hide and seek on occasion.) 


Anjay & Mikaleus

Almost from the moment the two met, Mikaleus has provided a sense of support and understanding for Anjay. As a healer, he's dealt with his fair share of war scarred people and to him, Anjay is no exception. He'd been taught to empathise with others from a young age and can understand why Anjay does what she does. Despite this, like Keonrain, he has little tolerence for the unnessasary harm of anyone and will give her a sharp reprimand when he feels it's nessesary. He also appreciates Anjay's use of logic at times where the others might not be enough so, and though he may not admit it, he does also appreciate her ability to make the hard decisions; an ability that he has had to learn himself. 


Anjay has always been thankfull for Mikaleus' support and understanding. He allowed her to be broken at the times when no one else would really understand and she has always found that she could go to him for advice or help when she needed it. In return for his understanding, she's tried her best to help him out when she could. Keeping Accelerate occupied or cleaning up around the place and giving Mikaleus some much needed silence. 


Kythax & Accelerate

Kythax has always had a soft spot for Accelerate, she'd felt increadibly out of place when she first joined the team and from the very beginning he was friendly and made sure she didn't feel so alone. They became fast friends and bonded over their love of music, she appreciated his easy demeanor and ability to make anyone laugh. She often occupies him when he becomes too much for the others and is perfectly happy to just sing song after song with him. She also greatly admires his ability to mimic sounds though she doesn't often tell him this. 


Accelerate is naturally a friend to everyone and Kythax is no exception. He noticed her looking a little out of place and made it his mission to remedy this. He is intrigued by her mastry over technology and sometimes asks her to teach him a thing or two. They share a love of music so he's always trying to get her to sing with him. 


Kythax & Mikaleus

From the beginning Mikaleus gave Kythax a fare judgement and she has appreciated that more than she's ever told him. Kythax shares an obsession with her area of skill just as Mikaleus does and therefore they can often be found talking about their individual obsessions, knowing the other's enthusiasm. This often creates a lovely atmosphere in which they can just geek out together. Kythax loves Mikaleus for his calm compassion that he always shows and will often occupy Accelerate to allow Mikaleus a break. 


Mikaleus has been intrigued by Kythax from the beginning, being raised on another planet often gives one some very unique traits. Mikaleus has done his best to study and observe these while forming a fast friendship with the Avyloci. He likes her firy attitude and understands her love for her obsession. As they both seek out solitude to pursue their own interests, they can often be found hiding in the same room, not talking to one another but enjoying the comfortable silence. 


Accelerate & Mikaleus

These two have the most fun relationship out of everyone probably. Accelerate is the man-child, he's highly extroverted and active, needing to be doing something at all times. When he gets bored, he begins to entertain himself at the expense of others. Very quickly he learned that the most fun reaction is recieved by winding up Mikaleus in whatever ways he can. His spontaneous and excitable nature contrasts with Mikaleus' methodical and calm one, making for an entertaining interaction. Below it all, Accelerate really does value Mikaleus very highly... for his entertainment value.


From day one, Accelerate has had the unique ability to make Mikaleus loose his temper and know exactly how to push every one of Mikaleus' buttons. Whether it be to disorganize every one of his well organized notebooks, to just being plain annoying. Mikaleus has always named Accelerate as the bane of his existence and often can be seen chasing him down the halls after having lost his temper. More often than not, one of the other team members must come and diffuse the confrontation. Mikaleus does love Accelerate's genuine and kind personality, he just can't stand the guy most of the time. 

Taki'ran Seekers


The Taki'ran Seekers is the name of the main group of characters in my story. The group consists of four Avyloci and one human (semi), Keonrain, Anjay, Kythax, Accelerate and Mikaleus. The group was named after the ship which is named for the Jezzec word for hope. The group are very close and consider eachother family in all but blood. 

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