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Culture Questionnaire

Questionnaire obtained from here. 

What - if any - deities are there? What do they do?

The Avyloci do not worship dieties however they do believe that when a person dies, their soul joins those of the ancestors who become each of the stars and continue to watch over those who remain. While many humans and other species might be skeptical of this. There have been occurences that are unexplainable by the most advanced science that may indicate this belief is true. 


Is there an important manuscript?

There is no important manuscript, most stories a passed down by word of mouth through the Elders, however some of the older ones are written down as books in order to keep them from becoming distorted over time. These books are kept and read to the children often so that they are well known and rememberd. 


How did the world begin?

The Avyloci believe their planet began when a sun stopped burning to leave behind a planet which grew plants and life. Light and dark mixed together to create every living thing. Though the Avyloci believe that everything and ever person is born with both light and dark inside them, many believe the Rahsarrn are comprised of pure darkness. 


What - if anything - happens after death?

When a person dies, it is believed that their soul becomes trapped in their body and must be released. Once cremated, the person is then thought to walk a path through their life, watching every moment. Once finished, a person will face the Ancestors and be questioned as to whether they're happy with their life. Whatever the answer may be, they are then welcomed and become a star to then watch over the living.


What - if anything - will end the world?

The Avyloci do not have any stories about the world ending as they believe life does go on. However there have been very realistic fears as to what woud happen if the Rasharrn were to be victorious over the Avyloci. Despite this, many say there cannot be darkness without light and therefore the Rasharrn can never truly win.


Are there holidays?

Because they have no way to keep herbs and meat fresh, it's not often that the Avyloci aren't required to hunt each day. However there are three days a year in which they will not hunt and instead converge at the Autovex tribe to sing and dance. Each tribe also has it's own little holidays and celebrations often at the same time as the others in which they will celebrate, sing and dance.


How do people worship? Where do they do it?

The Avyloci don't activley worship yet they do reference the Ancestors in all their rituals and announcements. Often an individual will pray to the Ancestors if they are lacking in their life. But ultimatley the Avyloci don't have a place to activley worship.


How do they feel about atheists?

If someone decides they do not believe in the Ancestors, they are often thought to be going through a very hard and dark time in their life as this kind of thinking is often brought on by rage or grief. In this scenario, often times the individual will be sent to the elders to talk about their problems


Anyone of a different religion?

Over time, little religions have popped up here and there, however the Ancestors seem to have ways to snuff out all these falsehoods until it was generally accepted that there were no such things as dieties. These thigns are seen as distractions that divide the tribe in a time when unity is most important. 


How important is this religion to the culture as a whole?

The Ancestors are increadibly important to the Avyloci and their culture as a whole. Most rituals and holidays are centered around those who watch over them and those who have passed. It also provides a sense of comfort along with the security of a close-knit community that keeps up moral. 


What is the definition of war?

The Avyloci's main definition of war is the one against the Rasharrn. The predators have been a threat for so many generations that any other war is unthought of. Avyloci generally consider war to be their species against another as war among their own kind is considerd unecessary and to be avoided at all costs.


Who are the soldiers? The generals? Who is the supreme commander?

Every Avyloci able to fight is considered a soldier and an equal, however the leader of the tribe will assign hunting groups each day and from that group, one person will be assigned to lead that particular hunting group. The hierarchy is a fairly simple one to ensure things work smoothly. 


Is it honorable to kill? If so, why?

While it is considered honorable to put prey or a Rasharrn out of it's misery, it is considered dishonourable to kill another Avyloci. This is because with the war against the Rasharrn, any fighting between their own should be avoided at all costs. If for some reason an Avyloci is too badly injured to be saved, with the blessing of the elders and the approval of the leader, the injured Avyloci will be given a mix of herbs that will allow them to slip away painlessly. 


Who is their greatest rival? Why?

The Rasharrn are their greatest rival haven slowly hunted the Avyloci population to lower and lower numbers. The Rasharrn continue to seek out the Avyloci however it is unknown exactly why, all they know is that the war must be fought for the saftey of others. 


Does conventional strategy call for a direct attack or guerrilla warfare?

No. All fighting is to be avoided if at all possible and the Avyloci do their best to avoid any confrontation with the Rasharrn due to their general disadvantage. A typical skirmish will involve a group of hunters using their bows in order to drive the Rasharrn back enough for them all to escape. 


Are there any forced conscription laws (military obligations, drafts, etc.)? How does the public feel about this?

All Avyloci are required to eventually participate in hunts unless unable to do so because of a physical or mental disability. Each child will begin training at the age of 10 though they won't attend a hunt for most likley several more years. This is considered perfectly normal in this culture. 


What gender is most involved in warfare?

Both genders are equally involved in warefare as both genders are considered absolutley equal. All Avyloci are expected to do their part in the war whether it's hunting, cooking or taking care of the children. Gender plays no part in this and has not ever in their history.


Is there an army even in peacetime (a standing army) or are soldiers only called on an as-needed basis?

Since the war goes back as far as the Avyloci can remember, there has not been the opportunity for full peace. However, if the war was to be won, the Avyloci would continue to train each child both in preperation in case the war should begin again, or simply for tradition.


Gender Roles

How many genders are there?

There are two genders, Male and Female, along with two 'sub-genders' known as Mas and Fem, however technically all Avyloci are hermaphrodites however one gender will be more 'dominant' than the other leading to the physical differences between the two. (Females will have breasts and a curvy figure while Men do not). Avyloci genders are more along a spectrum rather than set genders, there's 'Male -- Mas' and 'Female -- Fem', the terms 'Mas' and 'Fem' being words used for a more feminine male and fem as a more masculine female. Mas is also a term for a male who takes the female role in a relationship and vice versa for the fem. Avylcoi often fluctuate along their own sides of the spectrum, a male may become more mas in order to birth a child, and after go back to being male. 


What is considered beautiful and ugly in each gender?

Among both genders, brightness of colour, amount of colour and detail in markings are considered attractive. The brighter the colour and the more detail in the amount of colours and markings will increase the desirability of an individual. An Avyloci must be well formed and built, however the most consideration is given to the colours and markings.


Is one gender more important than another? Why?

Neither gender or sub-gender is more important than the others as there is very little difference between the two other than body-shape and the voice. Both are able to do whatever the other can do and therefore there is no basis for inequality between genders. Even roles such as reproduction in a relationship simply goes to who prefers which role, it is even considered normal for the male to be a mas and birth the child, while the female become a fem to sire it. 


What constitutes love?

Love between two mates is simply a person with which a strong romantic bond is formed. Mates complete each other and share a deep connection that they do not share with any other. Love is simply the bonding of two souls in partnership for the rest of their lives. 


Is there a taboo on nudity?

There is a similar taboo on nudity as seen in a modern western human culture, however it is not so strict in the sense that it is not uncommon for nursing females to go topless nor is it considered out of the ordniary. All Avyloci tend to sleep either naked or in minimal underware and this is considered perfectly normal in their culture. 


Is the virginity of any gender important? Why or why not?

After an Avyloci is past their early teens, there is no particular importance placed on virginity due to the fact that for an Avyloc, sex doesn't nessisarily bear the risk of children and therefore it doesn't hold the typical stigma of a modern westernised culture. Therefore, there's no pressure maintained on keeping virginity, however Avyloci tend no to 'sleep around' much due to the close knit nature of the tribes. 


How is sex viewed? Is it different for genders? Why?

Because there's no danger of reprocussion from sex outside a specific period of three days every month, it tends to be viewed quite loosly as the act itself. Despite this, because the tribes are fairly small, it is generally impressed upon the population that sex should be reserved until the relationship has progressed to the point of considering bonding. Over time, this has become more loose however sex is viewed casually enough that having had sex with someone you're no longer involved with doesn't become 'awkwad'. 


Are there contraceptives? How are they seen?

There are no contreceptives simply because Avyloci are only firtile within a three day period each month and outside that time, they are not in danger of becoming pregnant. Because of this, the only contreceptive needed is some self-control during those three days. Some mates even go as far as to have one stay with a different tribe over these three days in order not to be tempted. 


Is abortion legal? Why or why not?

It isnt 'illegal' however it simply isn't done or approved of within the tribe. This is because there's such a specific and easy way to prevent such a situation that to not do so is to invoke the consequences of rasising a child. It is very rare that this mistake is made but if it is and the Avyloci is not ready for the child, often times a different couple is happy to raise it. 


Is homosexuality a sin? Pedophilia? Bestiality?

Because Avyloci are hermaphrodites, there are no terms to defferenciate same-sex couples from opposite-sex couples as well as the fact that 'gender-roles' can be freely chosen as any gender can fill any gender-role, and thus homosexuality is not considered a sin nor is it even considered abnormal. It is considered appropriate to be with someone around one's age range and therefore pedophilia is not approved of, nor is beastiality. 


Which is more important: physical beauty or mental compatibility?

As a people who live in the moment, it is considered more important to find a mate who is mentally comptible and whom is someone you will be happy with. That being said, beauty is still valued among Avyloci, but ultimatley finding a mate is about finding your other half. 


What kinds of romantic bonds exist between people?

A romantic bond exits between two people and is fostered through the courtiship and dating to finally end in the two becoming mates. These two will then remain together for the remainder of their lives and the Avyloci believe even beyond that. 


How much input do outside sources like family, tradition, religion, or politics have on these bonds?

None of those things have an input on the relationship as that is the choice of the two involved Avyloci. Love is love and that cannot be dictated by an outside force. That being said, however, before bonding, a couple will go to the Elders to recieve a blessing from the Ancestors and to seek approval. However since this 'approval' is rarely if ever denied, this is more of a formality. 


Is there a process that leads to the cementing of these bonds?

After a long period of 'dating', the two will decide to bond and become mates. It is traditionally the female who asks the male to be her mate, however due to the frequency and normalcy of same-sex couples, the request is often made by the most 'feminine' of the pair. They will then reieve a mix of herbs known only to the Elders and will then perform the 'Bonding of Souls'. 


To what degree is religion involved in these bonds (if at all)?

The process of bonding is in refernce to the 'religion' of the Avyloci as in the bonding process is done thorugh them and approval is sought from the Ancestors before a couple take the final step. After this, however, the bond is between a couple and it is up to them to have that bond grow stronger.


Who rules the family? Why?

No one excplicitly 'rules' the family as gender-roles are fluid and not restricted to gender, thus the more 'dominant' person in a relationship entirely depends on the individuals in question. Generally th Male or the Fem will be more dominant by nature, but as is with everything, this is not an absolute rule and it is all up to the individual. 


What does the typical family group look like?

Typically a family group will look like a couple, comprised of a combination of any gender lying anywhere on the spectrum (MalexFemale, MalexMale, MalexMas, MasxMas, MasxFemale, FemalexFem, MalexFem, FemxFem, FemalexFemale) with often times one or two children under the age of puberty as well as possibly one or two apprentices. 


Where do people like to live?

Avyloci will always live within the towers which are often comprised with 2-3 room 'appartments' and each individual or couple will have an appartment to themselves. When an apprentice becomes a warrior, they will be given the empty appartment after an Avyloci has either passed away, or bonded with another. It is here that they will live until they bond (after which they'll choose to both live in the appartment of one of them). 


Who or what people have primary responsibility of the children?

Initially, both parents have responsibility for the child, often times this is alternated, one will hunt while the other will care for the egg then the child. Later on, both parents must hunt and so the other tribe members will care for the child along with the elders who teach the children. Once the child is apprenticed, they're cared for and raised by their mentors, though they still have frequent contact with their parents.


How do they raise their children?

While the child is still in the egg, they will stay with one of the parents at all times, often time this is the parent whom gave birth, however this is not absolute. Once the child has hatched, one of the two parents will take care of the child until the baby is able to walk, after which both parents are required to go out on hunts, during which, the child will play with the other children under the watchful eyes of the tribe-members. The elders will then teach the children who also play games which teach them some of the skills they'll need later in life. The mentors also play a big part, once the child is apprenticed, the mentors are the ones who raise and influence the child from there. 


What is the average age of the parents on the birth of their first child?

Couples get together at all different times of their life, however only those who have passed their apprenticeship are permitted to take a mate. Generally, however, most Avyloci will have a child around the age of 25-30 years of age, however, as is most things, this is not a rule and is generally up to personal preference. 


Do most people have children because they are obligated to (increasing population, providing heirs), because they want to, or a mixture of both?

It is traditonal for people to have children at some point in their life due to their relatively small population and war with the Rasharrn, creating a need to keep up population. However, generally as society developed, it has become more normal for couples to go without having children. Despite this, it is still considered odd for a couple not to have a child, or at the very least, adopt. 


Who does the household chores?

The entire tribe takes part in chores of the day. Not all warriors go out hunting at once and the ones that stay at home are required to do chores around the towers. Often times, the apprentices will do most of the cleaning while the warriors move water, cook and teach the children. The chores are all spread equally so every person does their fair share of work whether it be chores or hunting. 


Who is the biggest wage earner?

Most transactions are made by way of trade of vaious pretty items collected and passed around over the years. However each individual recieves what they need, everyone hunts for everyone else and everyone eats together. As such there's no particular 'wage' to be earned, but everyone earns the right to the recourses they need by working to provide said resources for the rest of the tribe.


Who cooks?

Those who have more of an affinity to cook will often do that instea of other chores, for the most part, warriors who are off duty, some of the disabled or expectant parents will often do and help with the cooking as a way to contribute to the tribe if not hunting for more food. 


When do the children move out?

The children move out at the age of ten when they're apprenticed, the new apprentices will live with their mentors whether warriors or healers. This is perfectly normal and parents still have access to their children as often as they'd like, however the apprentices spend most of their time with their mentors, learning the ways of the warrior (or healer).


Is it taboo to remarry?

It is not considered taboo to re-bond with another, however it is customary for an Avyloci to wait for a year or two in order to properly grieve before finding a new mate, though they don't often find another mate after sharing such a strong bond with the first. 


Is divorce legal?

Generally when two mates bond, they bond in such a way that it can never be broken, however there is the rare occasion in which two Avyloci can no longer be together and the Elders will repeat the bonding process in order to ask the Ancestors to pass judgement. If the Ancestors agree, then the bond will be broken and the Avyloci will be allowed to take another mate. However this is a very rare case as splitting a bond is very traumatic. 


Is there a taboo on having children out of wedlock?

If it's planned, then it's generally considerd acceptable for an Avyloci to have a child without having bonded to a mate as the tribe-participation in raising a child means that even deciding not to take a mate yet to have a child is acceptable just so long as the sire of the child agrees. However non-planned children before a couple has bonded is very frowned upon as not having a child is very simple. 


What role do the grandparents have? The aunts and uncles?

They have the same role as the rest of the tribe as every one is seen as family so there's no specific role for aunts, uncles etc. Everyone interacts with everyone else like one large family and everyone is bonded as such. Everyone provices support for one another during though times. 


Is marrying your sibling legal? Your cousin? Your second cousin?

It's generally taboo to bond with someone closley related as the Avyloci have seen the defects it causes to the children and thus the child has more of a chance to be killed or hurt by the Rasharrn. As such, relationships of that nature are frowned upon. 


Is it acceptable to put one’s children up for adoption?

Because of the Rasharrn threat, it is not uncommon for young children to be orphaned, as such, if an Avyloci is unable to care for their child, another couple or even the entire tribe will step in and raise the baby. Most couples are perfectly happy to take on another child so it is not considered much of an issue. 


The table?

At the table, good manners is allowing the elders, expectant parents and children to have first pic of the food. During the day, it's considered good manners to only take small pieces of food at a time and not to loiter too much. At meal times, food is eaten slowly and it is polite to ensure that nothing is wasted. Once everyone is seated, no one is to begin eating until the leader gives the word after announcments have been made, and everyone is expected to help clean up afterward. 


The streets?

While the Avyloci don't have 'streets' per se, however everyone it is considered polite to greet people as you go past them, especially up ranks, apprentices are expected to acknowledge wariors, and both apprentices and warriors are expected to greet Elders and the Leader. 


Talking to or dealing with a superior?

When dealing with a superior, a typical greeting will involve closing the eyes for a longer amount of time at around 3-4 seconds (as opposed to the usual 1-2 seconds in general), and only the very tail-tip or even only touching the tail-tip. 

Elders and the Leader is not to be given back-talk, however polite discussion is encouraged. 


Talking to or dealing with an inferior?

When dealing with an inferior, the superior Avyloci will make slightly less eye-contact, and it is encouraged to speak to those lower on the hierarchy with the same respect with which you'd treat an equal. Any deviation to this is usually delt with by onlookers, especially the Elders or the Leader if present. 


Talking to or dealing with another gender?

There are no formalities when speaking to those of the opposite gender or the sub-genders. Gender plays very little role in hierarchy as it is such a fluid concept and there is very little difference between genders other than pronounes, body-shape and voice. 

The Arts

What artwork is there?


What art is most popular?


Is there a guild or other organization for that?


Who patronizes the arts the most?


Does one gender monopolize the arts?


What music genres are there?


Which one is the most popular?


What are the instruments?


Are there songs of immense cultural or historic value?


Who writes the songs?


Has the printing press been invented? If so, who controls it?


What is the most popular genre?


Are there famous books? Famous authors?


Is there poetry? What kinds?


Who writes?


Is there fiction and nonfiction?


What sort of performing arts exist?


Who – if anyone – goes to displays of the performing arts?


Where are the performing arts done?


Are any types of artist held in especially high esteem?


Are there special schools for artists?


How literate is the population?


How mathematically adept is the population?


Where do they learn their skills?


Are there specialty schools for certain occupations?


How often/for how long does the population attend school, if at all?


Does religion play any part in education?



What is the official language? Where does it come from?


Are there other languages or dialects coexisting with the official language? Who speaks them?


Has a large organization tried to stamp out an existing language? Why?


What do people name their children after?


What are the biggest insults? Why?


Are there any idioms?


Does this culture use parts other than their mouths to speak? To convey an idea?


Is it a command, market, or mixed economy?


Who controls the economy?


What role does the government play in the economy?


What economic classes exist?


How much attention does the average person pay to the economy?


Who is the richest person in the world?


What is the most valuable asset (jewels, gold, land, etc.) someone can have?


Are there stocks?


Are there joint ventures? Corporations?


Do economic groups have any say in government?


Where do people store their money? In banks? If so, how reliable are they?


Can you take out loans?


What groups – if any – impose taxes? What taxes? On what groups? For what reasons? On what percent of someone’s earnings/purchase/etc.?


Is there a universal currency? If so, what are the coins/paper pieces/etc. and their denominations?


What are the coins/paper pieces/etc. made of? What do they look like?


Are there laws against counterfeit coins? What are they? How common are counterfeits?


How much money does the average person have? How much do they carry around with them?


How rampant is inflation?


What happens when someone goes into debt?


What happens when someone close to you (spouse, child, parent, best friend, aunt) goes into debt? Does that affect you?


What must they import?


Where do they import it from?


How does that affect their relationship with the place these imports come from?


What do they export?


Where are the exports made/grown/gathered?


What is the most valuable export?


What is the best or most reputable job to have? Why?


What is the worst or least reputable job to have? Why?


Are people mostly self-sufficient or do they rely on a larger economy?


What is international trade like? Who controls it?


Is the government in any trade agreements with other places?


What is the black market like? What is on it?


What form of government is there?


How long has this government been in place?


Are there factions or political parties? Which are the largest?


What would unseat the ruling person/group/party?


Does the government have a flag and/or seal and/or national animal and/or other form of identification?


Is there a codified set of governance laws?


How much can citizens participate in their government? Does it depend on age, gender, beliefs, race, or ability?


If a democratic government, how often are the elections? Who votes?


What sort of monetary assets does the government control?


Where is the capital? Why?


What building(s) house the government? Does it/they carry historic or cultural value?


What form of government came before this one? How did they fall?


What are their international relations like? Who is their greatest ally? Their greatest enemy?


Is the government a part of a larger organization (such as United Nations, the European Union, etc.)?


Do people take pride in their government?


What role – if any – does religion play in the government?


Are government officials primarily one demographic? Why?


Who founded this government? What were their values?


How does the government treat the impoverished? The middle class? The wealthy? Why?


Is there a hierarchy in government (for example, town < county < central government)? How are the governments of towns different from county, city, or official governments?


What powers are exclusive to town government? To the government of intermediate power? To the official government?

Small Heading

What is the biggest crime someone can commit?


What are some other terrible crimes?


Is the judicial system weighed towards a certain group? Why? In what situations?


How are criminals apprehended?


How is guilt determined?


How are judges appointed?


Who alters the law?


Who enforces the law?


Do people try to uphold the law?


Is the average person well informed to their rights under the law?


How are minors treated under the law? The weaker gender?


Who pays for the trial?


Is there a judge in every town or does the judge have a circuit of towns they travel through?


Does religion weigh in on issues, if at all?


Can someone sue?


Is there a hierarchy of courts?


Is there a jail? Who maintains it/pays for it?


How is serving time seen in the society?


Is there a death sentence?


How are people executed? Is it a public event?


Is there any organized crime? If so, why? Who participates?


Can citizens change the law? If so, how?



What is the main ethnic group? Other sizeable ethnic groups?


Are there any ethnic stereotypes?


How often do people bathe?


How are the physically disabled seen? The mentally disabled?


Describe a day in the life of a typical person


How much is someone’s solemn promise worth?


Are there any common mannerisms?


How do people feel about accepting charity?


How do people feel about giving charity?


How much to people gossip?


What does the fashion look like? Does it vary based on occupation or income level?


Are there laws governing what people can and cannot wear?


Are there any rules of hospitality?


What is the percentage of people living in the countryside? In the city?


What do the country people think of city dwellers?


What do city dwellers think of the country people?


How to people feel about strangers?


Do people prefer close-knit communities or a constantly changing scene?


Who (religious group, gender, occupation, race, etc.) constitutes the highest class?


Who constitutes the middle class?


Who constitutes the lower class?


What do buildings look like?


Do they form cities or any other large gatherings?


Are there any favorite pastimes? If so, what are they?


What role do sports play? Are they war games or strictly for entertainment?


What are the three most popular sports? Do they have teams or leagues?


Do people keep pets? If so, what are the most popular?


How do people get around?


How up to date are people on recent events?


Should problems be resolved quietly or as publicly as possible?


How do people feel about drugs? Drunkenness?


Is body art popular? Piercings? Plastic surgery?


How do they feel about their environment?


Is there some form of news media?


What is the media like?


How many meals do they eat a day?


Who do they eat meals with?


What is the typical diet?


Are there any foods unique to this culture?


What is fine dining?


What is the equivalent of pub grub?


Is the water safe to drink?


Do people make their own food or buy it?


Who is a hero to these people? Why?


What other nations, religions, ethnic groups, etc. influenced the culture into the shape it is in today?


How did this group come into being? Was there an event that cohered them or was it more gradual?


How long has this group existed?


What came before the group/nation/realm? Was it a different group, chaos, or nothing?


Important Dates


How important – if at all – are birthdays? How are they celebrated?


Are there any secular holidays? Why are they holidays? How are they celebrated?


Are anniversaries celebrated? Which ones?


What is the most important day all year?


What does the calendar look like?


How do they measure time?


What is a long time to this culture?


What is a short time to this culture?


Where do you go to....?



Buy black market items?


Find a job?


Get a drink?


Lodge a complaint about the government?


Have fun?


Send a message?



Are they more or less advanced than the technology of present day?


Why are they more or less advanced?


Who makes the most technological breakthroughs?


Is technological development speeding up or slowing down?


How do people feel about technology?


What are the top five most important pieces of technology? Why? (If culture is sufficiently advanced)

Sickness & Death

Are there institutions to care for the sick? Who runs them?


What is the most common illness in the world?


What is the most deadly illness in the world?


How common is sickness?


Is gangrene still a problem?


Has penicillin been discovered? Opiates?


How are the sick treated?


What is the stance on mental illness?


What is the treatment – if any – for mental illness?


How long does the average person live?


What is the childhood mortality rate?


What is the biggest killer?


How do they feel about suicide? Is it forbidden, legal, or legal only in certain situations? Why?


When someone dies, who receives their money or belongings?


How is the body prepared after death?


What are funerals like?

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