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Avyloci (Av-eye-low-chee) are a bipedal humanoid race originating from the planet Vael. They have large eyes with sight far better than a human. They have a closely symbiotic relationship with another organism called a Symphylux which allows the Avyloci to posses wings, a tail and tail feathers. They also tend to have brightly coloured skin which is testament to the fact that their main predator is blind, therefore they have been free to become as colourful as they wish. Though their species is as old as humans, the Avyloci tend to have a simple existence, possessing no 'technology' as humans know it today. Rather, they use Vael's wide range of plants with extraordinary properties in order to fill in any gaps. The Avyloci live in seven tribes and are often very good at languages.



Vael (V-ay-el) is a planet that is about 15% smaller than Earth. It is 80% water and is covered predominantly in a rain-forest-like biome similar to the movie Avatar. Almost all species of flora on Vael have very strong properties that allow them to equal the effect of Earth technology if used correctly (Medicine is just as effective as modern medicine on Earth etc). Vael has a whole host of fauna, the two dominant species of the planet are the Avyloci and the Rasharrn. 



The entirety of the Avyloci population lives in seven tribes. Each tribe has approximately 200-300 individuals and each has it's own authority and territory. The war with the Rasharrn has overridden any animosity the tribes might have had toward each other and thus each one lives in peace with the others. Avyloci even travel between these tribes at will. Each tribe corresponds to a tall metal building, big enough to house the entire tribe. The towers are made with Foth, a naturally occurring metal excreted by the Foth trees of Vael, however it is unknown exactly how these buildings were built and by whom as reccorded history begins shortly after the Avyloci form tribes. Each tribe has it's own dialect, but from a young age, every child is taught the languages of each of the tribes. However, an Avyloci will only speak in the dialect of his or her birth tribe as a way of identifying heritage. Because each individual knows all the dialects, two different tribes can comfortably converse without ever leaving their mother tongue. 


The Seven Tribes

Lennik Tribe - (Len-ik)

Santis Tribe - (S-un-tis)

Tanvos Tribe - (Tan-vos)

Autovex Tribe - (Ort-oh-v-eh-x)

Obneyis Tribe - (Ob-nay-is)

Venton Tribe - (V-en-ton)

Revonbet Tribe - (Rev-on-bey)



The Rasharrn (R-ash-arn) are the top ambush predators from the planet Vael. Quadrupedal mammals, these creatures are almost twice the size of a horse and have a body structure resembling a lemur with a canine-like head. The Rasharrn is sightless and instead has three pairs of nostrils and ears. Because of this, Rasharrn are hypersensitive to both sound and scent. They have retractable claws yet have hands in order to move silently through the trees. They have a bite force one and a half times that of a crocodile so for them to get an Avyloci in their jaws is almost a sure victory for them. The Rasharrn are intelligent predators however have a deep-bred hate for the Avyloci that has been speculated to originate from arrogance.  They usually hunt alone, hiding in the trees and lying still for hours on end, when they see an Avyloci, they will usually try to leap down on top of them when they land. When they do so, they let out a howl that will attract other Rasharrn to join the hunt. Any prey they catch is then taken back to their Troop. Though they are semi-intelligent and have hands, they do not use tools or plants as extensively as Avyloci.



The Jezzec (Jez-eh-k), are a race of bipedal humanoids that live on the planet Kest (K-eh-st) in close proximity to Vael. They have two sets of arms, a tail and a pair of rams horns and generally are dark shades of grey (though most all tattoos that tell important details about the Jezzec such as age, family, job etc). They also have two sets of eyes and all own a plain mask, this mask was traditionally to be worn at all times, however as society developed, it became appropriate to only wear one in battle. Females are very similar to males, physiclogically and almost all are sterile, reproducing through the use of machienes. The Jezzec are very technologically advanced though recently their society has taken a great interest in Vael's plants and their naturally medicinal properties. Vael's plants cannot be grown on Kest nor can the Jezzec survive long on Vael so the Jezzec will often trade anything the Avyloci want in exchange for herbs. 


The War

The war between the Rasharrn and the Avyloci has been going on for centuries without pause. The Avyloci are the natural prey of the Rasharrn, however, since obtaining a symbiotic relationship with the Symphylux, the Avyloci have begun to fight back. The Avyloci formed tribes in tall towers made of metal that the Rasharrn cannot breach. Each tribe is named after it's founder or the one who was said to oversee the building of the towers, however this is just speculation. Since they began living in the tower, they began to stand a fighting chance against the Rasharrn who began to come for them in more force. For the Rasharrn, it was almost as if they'd been insulted by their prey beginning to elude them.

Despite the utopia of the towers, plants will not grow within the tower (The Jezzec are currently working to identify this issue and why it occurs. Full reports are being written.)Due to this, the Avyloci must still leave the safety of the towers in order to find food, however when they leave the tower and land on the forest floor, they are vulnerable to the Rasharrn. Due to these factors, the sides have both exchanged the upper hand but neither could win the war.

Up until now, the Avyloci have been able to tip their arrows in poison in order to deter the Rasharrn, however the Rasharrn are beginning to become resistant to the poisons they use. The Avyloci once turned to the Jezzec for weapons, however the Jezzec could only provide weapons that were too loud, ineffective, or too different for the Avyloci to use. A meeting between the elders and the Jezzec decided that an Avylocian child would be sent to live on Kest and learn about Jezzec technology in the hopes that one day she would return and be able to better test and create weapons to defeat the Rasharrn. That child was Kythax. Unfortunately, Jezzec scientists soon found that the power source they use to power their technology, when exposed to Vael's air for an extended amount of time, will cease to function. With this discovery, it was decided that the only way for the Avyloci to defeat the Rasharrn was to leave Vael and find new weapons to aid in the war. 


Thus, the Taki'ran Seekers was formed, as the Avyloci's last hope.




Morph Suit











No this isn't one of those coloured onsies people go running around in. 

These are a highly advanced piece of technology engineered by the Jezzec but built by Kythax. They make use of nanotechnology to create an illusion used to blend into human society. When put on, the nanites are so small you cannot feel them nor can others, but when applied, they reflect a certain colour, for example, it can make one's skin appear a different colour. Kythax has also modified this suit in order to make their physical features appear closer to humans. For example, when the suit is on, an Avyoci's eyes will appear the same as human eyes, though because it's only an illusion, it doesn't change the physical appearence, but creates the illusion of change. 

The most difficult part was making the feathers appear like hair which Kythax did eventually manage, though anyone touching the hair would notice a difference in texture. 

While the morph suit is on, the Symphylux cannot be connected to it's host. 

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